Golmex - Concrete Look Plaster

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Golmex - Concrete Look Plaster

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Quart, Gallon, 5 Gallon

Product Description

Golmex™ is a high quality Portland cement composed of lime, graded silica sand and admixtures to create the appearance of polished concrete on interior and exterior wall surfaces. Golmex’s pre-mixed dry powder substrate is formulated for superb adhesion, workability and durability. A wide range of textures an be achieved with Golmex™, including the natural look of concrete and textured finishes. Golmex™ comes in a standard color of natural cement.


2lb Quart – covers approximately 3.2-5.6 sq ft for 2 coat application.

10lb Gallon – covers approximately 16-28 sq ft for 2 coat application.

50lb Bucket – covers approximately 80-140 sq ft for 2 coat application.

Coverage depends on surface porosity and texture.


Mixing – Mix 1 gallon (10lb) of Golmex powder with approximately 30-36 fl. oz. of clean water. Mixing different batches of Golmex™ with different amounts of water, different mix speeds/time or adding more water to rehydrate the Golmex™ will alter the color, and cause color variations in the final look.

Golmex has a working time of 45 min-1.5 hours when mixed with clean water, only mix as needed.


Preparation – Surface should be clean, dust and oil free. It is recommended to apply over a level 4-5 wall.


New Surface – Surface should be smooth, clean and dust free. Prime the substrate with the recommended water based primer as required; such as a PVA primer for new drywall, multi-purpose primer for wood or glossy surfaces, and let it dry fully. Next apply one coat of Meoded Quartz Primer allowing it at least 3-5 hours to dry.


Existing Surface – Any surface with sheen should be sanded, dust free, and then primed with a water based multi-purpose primer letting it dry fully. Next apply one coat of Quartz Primer allowing it at least 3-5 hours to dry. Preparation of flat surfaces require only the application of Quartz Primer.


Exterior Brown Coat – First, the surface should be pressure washed and cleaned. When the surface is fully dry, apply Quartz Primer diluted with up to 25% water. Let it dry for at least 3-5 hours. Over the brown coat, it is recommended to apply three thin coats of Golmex to get a smooth surface.


Application – Use a stainless steel rounded edge trowel or spatula to apply two coats of Golmex.


First Coat – Golmex should be applied thinly and evenly, covering the entire wall.

It is recommended to use a damp sponge in a circular motion before Golmex™ dries to create a more uniform design, expose the aggregate, and eliminate all imperfections.

Allow at least 12 hours for the first coat to dry.


Second Coat – Apply the second coat just like the first, making sure to cover the entire surface. Before the material is dry, use the trowel to gently compress the surface to make it smooth, keeping in mind the more you compress the smoother the surface. Because of the extended dry time of the Golmex™ formula, you can create different texture effects during the second coat. For a smoother finish, you can sand the second coat after at least 24 hours.


Working with Golmex™ – Material is pliable for 45 min-1.5 hours depending on weather conditions. To avoid spoilage, do not mix more than the amount needed to cover the surface you are working on.


Sealer – After a minimum of 48 hours of dry time, it is recommended to protect the finish with Stain Shield natural look sealer to provide the finish with protection from moisture and dirt, while not adding sheen or changing the color.

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Orders typically ship in 1-2 business days. Shipping charges and transit times vary depending on your zip code and order weight.

Click here to view our Golmex Concrete Look Plaster.

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